Thursday, April 30, 2020

The Impact of Corona on Women in Tech

The impact of Corona is effecting everyone differently.  For many of the women in tech, working from home is something we are very familiar with.  However, pile on top of that those who now have their children home 24/7 who are also homeschooling, upgraded to honorary "lunch lady" making multiple meals and snacks a day, and cleaning- what feels endlessly, I was intrigued to survey other women in the channel to see if I was alone?  The results were surprising, check it out...


  1. truly an awesome infographic Michelle - way to be, surveying all your your friends in the industry - excellent way to depict the many challenges you ladies face (and that's not counting dealing with Jay being home more that usual ;-) )

    1. Thank you so much. It has been helpful having him home, but still challenging as research and survey indicates - despite women's equality efforts - we still tend to do more of the "work" and it's very challenging to balance it all - here's a great NY Times Article which really exemplifies this quite well:

      Check out this incredible and scary article on the challenges we must now address and overcome:

  2. haha thank you so much for the kind words. He has really been a huge asset, I can't imagine people who have to do it all alone!

  3. I love this! Thanks for doing it. I would say it's right in line with what I'm experiencing.

    1. Thank you for sharing your perspective. Check out this incredible and scary article on the challenges we must now address and overcome:

  4. Love this. Great design too!

    Interesting that not more are worried about Corona’s impact. (Even though it’s pretty high at 83-85%, perhaps that stat is more related to the point in time when the survey was offered). Any insights about why those who aren’t worried aren’t?

    1. Thanks Dina, I would like to re-do the survey results now as I feel people are tired and craving normalcy and being less risk averse which is in my opinion what is driving the huge spike as I am seeing in Florida. The lack of sensitivity and urgency is real and horrifying.

      Thank you for sharing your perspective. Check out this incredible and scary article on the challenges we must now address and overcome:
